Archive for the 'GTD' Category

Omni2Map: Export OmniFocus to MindManager

Sunday, September 4th, 2011

As I mentioned in my earlier OmniFocus for IPad Review, I recently adopted OmniFocus as my home project management system for Getting Things Done (GTD) In the review I noted several weaknesses of the IPad app that I thought I might be able to address with a MindManager Add-in (Omni2Map). As a Windows user, I […]

Declaring GTD Bankruptcy

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

I would venture to guess that the typical person has at least a 100 items flow to them during the course of their day that are candidates for their to do list. These may show up by email, by phone, by mail, or by walking past an newly arrived home repair project. David Allen’s Getting […]

José Miguel Bolívar on using ResultsManager and MindReader

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

José Miguel Bolívar, an early adopter of the Mindreader add-in, has a couple of recent blog entries on how he uses the tools for GTD at his site. See MindReader: The brain of my GTD tool and ResultsManager: The body of my GTD tool along with a post tying things together on How to […]

ButtonReader: 40 configurable buttons for MindReader

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Several people had asked for customizable context buttons in MindReader. In part because Stefan has teh biggest donation to date, I jumped right on the task. As of yesterday the ribbon has had an options button that lets you not only change the contexts but allows you to re-purpose the context, due, and time tabs […]

Refresh your ResultsManager Dashboard 60% Faster

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Happy New Year everyone. First comes Black Friday, then Cyber Monday, and then GTD Sunday, the first Sunday after the new year when GTDers try to climb back onto their systems and do a reasonable weekly (or yearly) review. The key to successfully using ResultsManager for GTD is to always have the output of an […]

MindManager Project Management Part 4 — Project Planning

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

In Part 2, we had generated a rough outline of actions to be taken to address issues with Task dates in MindManager 9: I left off at that point with a “Translate brainstorm into action plan @maps”, which pops up in my daily action dashboard as a reminder to return to the project. When I […]

MindManager Project Management Part 1 – Definition

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

As regular readers know, my Saturday morning hobby for the past few years has been to develop and share new ways of using MindManager for implementing David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. The past several months I have been more focused on quietly using the tools rather than procratinating by tweaking them, but the […]

Focusing in on One Area of your Life

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

A ResultsManager user asked by email: “What template should I use for getting a dashboard just of high-priority projects and results that are tagged with Area X? Is that still the Next Actions by Area and Context? Or is there a better one? For example, today I’m dedicated to working just on the Area X […]

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