Archive for the 'Map2Excel' Category

Excel2Map – Tabular Import

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

By popular demand, I added a tabular Excel import to the Map2Excel add-in for MindJet. to the latest beta (1.0.0083).Quick illustration below. Note that the excel file must follow the format of an “outline with details” export or the import will give incorrect results.


Sunday, November 18th, 2012

By popular demand, I finally hunkered down and added code to reverse the Map2Excel process to allow you to import a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet into MindManager (“Excel2Map”) to create a new map. This comes with several limitations: The spreadsheet MUST be in the format of the “Outline with Details” export At this point it does […]

Map2Excel available for Mindjet 11

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Mindjet launched Mindjet 11 today. I compiled a new Map2Excel add-in for Mindjet 11 and fixed a few bugs, so I’d recommend downloading the latest version (1.0.0062) for your version of MindManager regardless of what version of the software you are using. This version also has a license key field in the options menu that […]

Map2Excel now exports colors, icons and custom properties

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

Map2Excel, a utility for exporting Mindjet MindManager maps to Microsoft Excel 2010 has been upgraded to version 1.0.0054 with several new features. Text retains MindManager colors Icons are exported as columns Custom properties exported as columns Images exported in comments enlarged New option to overwrite previous export (avoid accumulating excel sheets) Column widths better fit […]

ActivityOwner.Com add-in updates

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

I just wanted do a quick “two-minute action” post on some updates to add-ins on the site over the past few weeks. Most have been discussed in the comments but merit an announcement. Post below if you have questions or are experiencing any problems or just want to let me know you still use the […]

MindManager 2012

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

Updated add-ins for MindManager 2012 have been posted for Map2Excel, MindReader, MarkTaskComplete, MyMapMacros, and Omni2Map.

Map2Excel 2012

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

The Map2Excel add-in is now available for MindManager Professional 2012. In addition to exporting maps in outline or tabular format, Map2Excel has the ability to export useful hyperlinks either to map topics or external links. The source code for the older SAX Basic version Map2Excel was released under Creative Commons 3.0.

Comments open on MMDevX

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

You can now comment on add-ins on the MMDevX add-in site. The site has entries for MindReader, Mark Task Complete, MyMapMacros, Map2Excel, and Outlinker. New users might be encouraged if they see comments from other users on how these are working for other users.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.