MindManager AutoRecover = AutoCrash?

I noticed I began experiencing frequent “The application has been requested to terminate”-type crashes since upgrading to the SP1 release for MindManager 7 where as the original release was pretty stable. I was a bit worried this was due to MindReader or OutLinker, but realized this evening it is likely due to my options being set back to the defaults with the upgrade.

MindManager may crash intermittently if you are using a add-ins or macro-based program like ResultsManager, GyroQ, or MindReader and you have not disabled “Save AutoRecover info every X minutes”. As I understand it this may be due to some type of conflict set up when a add-in/macro saves a map that is subsequently saved by autorecovery. As a result, I recommend keeping this feature disabled and learning to compulsively save your maps manually. MindReader will save maps frequently as it interacts with them.

Disable autorecovery

You can find this and other MindManager Setup Tips” on the wiki.

Sample Screen Shots:
Saving File for Auto-recovery has failed


  1. Andrew Wilcox said,

    January 1, 2008 @ 4:32 pm

    I have not experienced this problem but I do not use ResultsManager, MindReader or Outlinker. For users of MindManager without those applications I suggest reducing the time delay for autosave to 5 minutes. If the saving process starts interfering with your work then change the compression to fast or super fast (which i use).

    Saving compulsively is a good idea regardless of application.

  2. ActivityOwner said,

    January 1, 2008 @ 5:12 pm

    Thanks Andrew — I hadn’t even noticed the compression options even though it is sitting right there in front of me. You have a phenomenal command of the MindManager menu structure — I always enjoy learning from your tips on the MindJet forum

    I’ll test things out under “SuperFast” compression and report back on how things go.

  3. Rick said,

    February 17, 2008 @ 6:43 pm

    Hee hee… I had previously disabled AutiRecover after reading this once before, and also after a recommendation from Nick at Gyronix. On reading this again I thought that I would just check that it was still un-ticked (after I’d applied SP1). It was ticked. I un-ticked it. MM promptly fell over. I restarted MM. Checked the options again. It was still ticked. Un-ticked it again – this time it worked as advertised.

    I think you’re right AO, it certainly seems to be a cause of some instability.

  4. AutoSave = AutoCrash? » ActivityOwner.Com – Getting Things Done with MindManager, ResultsManager, and GyroQ said,

    October 28, 2010 @ 8:35 pm

    […] installations of both MindManager 8.2 and 9 recently has led me to conclude that the advice of this 2007 post still holds. If you are using MindManager with an add-in like ResultsManager or MindReader, you can […]

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