
Per Ron’s suggestion, the latest version of MindReader incorporates the ability to substitute a string of text for an “Alias”. For example, if you frequently add someday maybe projects to your home repair map, you can define a “sdhr” alias which substitutes [isproject home repair someday] into your task so that it is marked up and sent to your home repair map. The default example is “this weekend”, which translates to [Sunday 3 days before].
You also can use it to put brackets around destination map names (e.g. “repairmap” = [repairmap]) or to expand a nickname (e.g. “Mountaineer” = “Sydney Bristow”).

You need to download the latest versions of MindReaderNLP.mmbas and MindReaderOpen.mmbas from the MindManager Macro Library for this to work. MindReaderNLP will add the alias branch to the configuration map the first time it is run.


  1. Ron said,

    February 1, 2008 @ 9:15 am

    I’ve been meaning to comment on this – perfect! I love it and started using it as soon as it showed up in the code. This meets the need I mentioned and more. Thank you!

  2. cfitts said,

    February 1, 2008 @ 1:40 pm

    Is it my imagination, or has this latest change caused the MindReader parsing to skip entering the ~category information into the Category field when you “Edit Activity” in ResultsManager? I can see the ~category in the Text Markers, but not in the Category field when in “Edit Activity” mode.

  3. ActivityOwner said,

    February 1, 2008 @ 9:46 pm

    Wow — looks like that has been broken for quite awhile. Goes to show I haven’t been using that feature lately. I tend to use the category keywords. I uploaded a corrected version (not in AO-Pack yet). Thanks for the catch.

  4. cfitts said,

    February 18, 2008 @ 11:43 pm

    I can’t seem to get the “Owner” resource to default to my name when the data is parsed without a specific resource being mentioned. Am I overlooking something?

  5. ActivityOwner said,

    February 19, 2008 @ 7:24 am

    toggle to m tag and type:

    setoption:me:cfitts (or whatever your default name is)

  6. cfitts said,

    February 19, 2008 @ 3:40 pm

    Thanks, that works.
    However, the Outlinker macro doesn’t seem to pick up that option of the defaultowner. The “owner” comes up blank when adding tasks through Outlinker.

    By the way, you’ve created a great tool. I probably would not have purchased GyroQ and ResultsManager had I not discovered MindReader. To me, your efforts are an essential part of the overall productivity improvement package.

    Thanks for your powerful contribution!

  7. ActivityOwner said,

    February 19, 2008 @ 6:53 pm

    Whoops — looks like there was a bug in the code. I haven’t been using that option be default so hadn’t seen it creep in. It wasn’t working in all cases in MindReader either. A corrected version of mindreaderNLP.mmbas is uploaded on the wiki. Thanks for catching it and pointing it out.

  8. Marco van Laerhoven said,

    March 19, 2008 @ 4:38 pm

    Is it possible – or an idea – to have a task sent to a certain map when choosing a specific resource? I have several resroucse that I only work with on specific projects (i.e. maps). I could create an alias for each of the resources, but that would require me to add the resource code twice …

  9. ActivityOwner said,

    March 20, 2008 @ 8:22 pm

    Hi Marco — You can direct a link keyword that directs an activity to a particular map based on a string that is also a resource. I do that for my children’s names. I also did it for my direct reports but I eventually found I often wanted tasks to go to project specific maps so changed their keywords to “firstnamemap” which would be aliased as [firstnamemap].

    I don’t think resource->specific map would be a common enough practice to add complexity to the code/syntax for it.

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